KVAN Leadership Coaching – taught in English

At KVAN Leadership Coaching, we provide practical tools that can be applied directly to your work. The program focuses on strengths, peer relationships, leadership skills, coaching, team cohesion, work culture, and managing difficult employee conversations. By applying the course material, you will have the opportunity to positively impact both your work and well-being, as well as the performance and success of your team.

For Whom

KVAN Leadership Coaching is designed for managers in companies and organizations who oversee teams and employees.

Course Content:


Your Role as a Manager

  • What kind of manager are you?
  • What kind of manager do you want to be?

We will help you assess your management needs with the organization’s goals in mind.

Peer Relationships, Leadership, and Team Cohesion Numerous studies highlight the importance of peer relationships in the workplace. We will teach you how to map out peer relationships in your organization and develop an action plan to address areas that require improvement.

Strengths-Based Approach Research shows that focusing on your strengths and those of your employees can increase engagement by up to six times. You will take a strengths assessment, and we will teach you how to interpret the results and apply them to your leadership role.

Coaching Coaching has proven to be an effective way to harness the knowledge, attitudes, and enthusiasm of employees for high performance. We will introduce you to coaching methodologies and demonstrate how you can incorporate them into your management style.

Handling Difficult Employee Conversations Employee discussions are a key element of effective leadership. We will teach you techniques for managing challenging conversations and provide you with the skills to navigate these situations with confidence.

Work Culture and Employee Morale What is the workplace culture in your organization, and how was it formed? We will teach you the CircleCoach methodology, which enables you to help your team identify key behaviors in everyday work that reflect the culture your employees want to see.

Motivation and Recognition Surveys consistently reveal that employees feel they do not receive enough recognition or positive feedback from their leaders. We will introduce you to strategies that will enhance your ability to motivate and praise your employees daily.

Workplace Bullying Legislation and regulations are clear: managers are responsible for addressing workplace bullying and taking preventive measures to protect employees. Despite this, bullying still occurs in many organizations, with studies showing that the incidence rate typically ranges between 3–12%. How can you identify bullying, and how should you address it as a leader in your organization? We will provide you with methodologies to help you tackle this challenging issue effectively.

Course Structure

The course is delivered in 6 sessions, each lasting 3 hours.

Course Trainers

KVAN’s leadership coaches are Jón Halldórsson and Hjördís Ýr Johnson, both of whom possess extensive knowledge and experience in leadership coaching. They have coached countless managers and employees from various companies and organizations.


  • 169,900 ISK for the open course.
  • Customized training programs are available for management teams. 

Grants and Funding

  • You may be eligible for a grant covering course fees from your trade union. Check with your union for more details.
  • The Icelandic Labour Market Board (Vinnumálastofnun) provides unemployed individuals with a grant of up to 75% of the course fee.
  • Most companies are eligible for up to 90% funding for employee training through the Vocational Training Fund (Starfsmenntunarsjóður). This funding is available regardless of the employees’ credits in the fund. For more information, visit is.

Please feel free to contact KVAN at +354 519 3040 or email us at kvan@kvan.is for further details.

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Leiðtogaþjálfun KVAN

Hefst 25. mars 2025, 09:00

Hefst 25. mars, kennt á þriðjudögum frá kl. 09:00-12:00. Á leiðtogaþjálfun KVAN veitum við þér hagnýt verkfæri sem nýtast í starfi. Áhersla er lögð á styrkleika, jafningjasambönd, leiðtogahæfni, markþjálfun, liðsheild, starfsanda, menningu og erfið starfsmannasamtöl. Með því að nota efni námskeiðsins gefst þér færi á að hafa jákvæð áhrif á eigið starf og líðan og árangur …

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